Blakmót í Finnlandi

Bođ á öldungablakmót í Finnlandi 11.-13.6.2004.

BLÍ hefur borist bođ til öldungablakfélaga landsins.  Eftirfarandi er útdráttur úr bréfinu:

Tampere 2004

Veteran Volleyball
Open World Championships

Tampere is a city in Finland with a sports arena where you can fit in over 30-60 volleyball courts. 

We have been organizing a veteran volleyball Pirkka Tournament in this Pirkkahalli Sports Centre fifteen times in fifteen years.  We have also organized an open veteran world championship tournament for club teams called TAMPERE 2000 with 73 foreign teams and 85 Finnish teams taking part.  In other words a total of 158 teams from 11 countries.

We have got a lot of praise for our arrangements, and if your club is involved in veteran volleyball, you would be more than welcome to take part in the world championsship tournament.

You can get more information on our internet pages,

Volleyball Club Kalevan Lentopallo
Seppo Kuusela